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Round lock

Controlled access by an authorized person, meeting the highest design standards.

Round lock

also often referred to as cylinder locks, have two round sliding doors which permit a flow of people through. Due to the self-supporting structure, the simple construction system and the simple design, the round locks are among the most popular person locks on the market. It is often placed near clearly visible entrances.

Together, we will find the right round lock for you.

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Access control

Depending on the access control system selected, a simple ordering function can be ensured, including the strict separation of people.

  • Badge (RFID)
  • Code
  • Biometrics
  • Combination of several different systems

Here you will find an overview of the access solutions that we can offer you. Of course, all passenger locks can be integrated into existing access systems.

How it works

The person lock operates by means of the two round sliding doors. The separation can be solved by means of a floor or ceiling sensor. This allows the lock to ensure separation to the highest degree.

Entry into the safe zone

  • Verification ID1 (badge, code and/or biometrics)
  • Round lock opens

Separation in the round lock

  • Entry into the round airlock
  • The round lock closes automatically
  • Separation via sensors in the round lock

Successful movement

  • Verification completed successfully
  • Door 2 is released and opens automatically
  • Entry into the safe zone

Other features

  • Escape route according to SN EN 179 (via additional door)
  • External admission
  • Transport opening (via additional door)
  • Burglary protection RC2 - RC3

The escape route must be secured with an additional door. This can be located directly next to the lock or further away. For this purpose, the local regulations must be observed.

Escape route-compatible locks without an additional door are:

Wheelchair access or transport

The wheelchair access or the transport can open both doors by means of a key or a simple other signal. This means that a wheelchair or a pallet can be transported through.

A round lock with a larger diameter offers a correspondingly larger mass throughput. For small round locks, we recommend providing an additional hinged door alongside the cylinder.

Typ R1 R2 R3 R4
Kabinenunterteilung keine keine keine keine
Höhe (A) 2575 2350 2350 2575
Durchmesser aussen (B) 1052 1152 1500 1750
Lichte Öffnung Höhe (a) 2300 2074 2074 2300
Lichte Öffnung Breite (b) 580 650 900 900
Gewicht ca. kg 700 Kg 680 Kg 1000 Kg 1200 Kg



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